There are many factors that contribute to your decision about which new quilt to create next. We may see something that inspires us like a new pattern or idea. Or perhaps it's a new fabric line that we can't wait to purchase and use in a project. The inspiration, it seems, is always the easy part. Inspiration, however, is always followed by, How long is this project going to take to create? Quite often, we create easier quilts because the more complicated projects are just that, complicated! Bargello quilts, to me, have always fallen into the complicated category. I love looking at them, reading about them, and marvel at their completion. Whenever I have read through an instruction book on creating one, the book was inevitably returned to the bookshelf relegated to projects that may get completed one day. Bargellissimo is a different kind of quilting collection. We have taken all of the beautiful details of a Bargello pattern and made it easy to do! The projects in this collection were created using a slight twist on our quilting system, with which you have probably created dozens of quilts. You will be able to create the six quilts featured in this collection with ease and very little measuring. Enjoy!