We had so many ideas for peacocks that we created four different collections in one month, this peacock collection uses applique and the art was drawn with an Art Deco era feel. They were a lot of fun to design and we used a few different techniques and color combinations. We created a few with the traditional blue colors and then for fun we threw in golden and fuscia versions as well. All of the large peacocks have one thing in common, they use applique. we actually used metallic appliques, this made a huge difference in the WOW factor of the designs. You can use any type of shiny fabric for the applique. If the fabric you choose is thin simply back it with a fusible interfacing to make it more stable. To go along with the large peacocks I am including lots of feathers and smaller motif's so you can further embellish any project! We created three different types of projects for this collection. The ?rst is a standard pillow, then we created a wall hanging and ?nally we embellished a woman's blazer.